Info beasiswa-Tiap orang yg dapat beasiswa ini akan dapat sekitar $10,000. khusus buat yg udah lulus sekolah kedoketeran. Baca selengkapnya di bawah.
Baca juga: Beasiswa Di Jepang Untuk Guru
Nama beasiswa terbaru: International Guest Scholarships by American College of Surgeons
waktu deadlinenya: July 3, 2017
Nilai beasiswa : amount of $10,000 each provide the scholars with an opportunity to visit clinical, teaching, and research activities in the U.S. and Canada and to attend and participate fully in the educational opportunities and activities of the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress.
Baca juga: Beasiswa Di Jepang Untuk Guru
Nama beasiswa terbaru: International Guest Scholarships by American College of Surgeons
waktu deadlinenya: July 3, 2017
Nilai beasiswa : amount of $10,000 each provide the scholars with an opportunity to visit clinical, teaching, and research activities in the U.S. and Canada and to attend and participate fully in the educational opportunities and activities of the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress.